Prehľad channelingov 2005-2013



Kryon: O Kryonovom pôvode



 Seraphis Bey: Aktivácia kanálu hojnosti


The White Goddess Ayo A’Isissis: The Love Net of Shambala – Connection to the Frequencies of the Nine Deities of the Absolute Love


Kryon: The Effect of the Magnetic Energies in Your Dimension – Exercise: Harmonizing of the Spiritual Wheel, Melek Metatron: Pouring Out of the Beads of Blessing – Are You Ready?

Melek Metatron: Channeling About Love, Happiness and Contentedness


Master Lao Tse: The Anchoring of the Energies from the Blueprint – Your Dream of the Divine Reality – Love the Energy of Abundance – The Raising of the Energies Through the World Cup


Melek Metatron: The Differences between You and the Sleeping – The Work of the Forces – The Alignment with the Immeasurable Love of the Creator


Jesus: Feelings of the Duality and Feelings of the Divine Reality – Courage

09 KF

Kryon: Uvitací channeling

Ashtar Sheran: O univerze 

Master Lao Tse: Informácie o nových povolaniach a o kruhoch v obilí  (časť)


Kryon: Nepozeraj navonok – Buď kým si – Prenos energie magnetickej lásky


Melek Metatron: The Game of Illusion – You Are a Master of the New Age – Excercise: Bathing in the Spring of Your Divinity – The Wave of Intention and Love


Kryon: The Consequences of the Magnetic Love Energy – Erection of a Personal Light Pillar to Harmonize the Magnetic Energy



Kryon: Lay Down Your Weapons – The Rebirth of Lady Gaia – The Preparations for the Ascension – Support Lady Gaia with Peaceful Thoughts


Jesus: The Crystal Ball – The Path into the New Dimension


Kryon: Purification and Cleaning of Collective Energies – Your Abilities


Lord Sananda: The Drops of Blessing – Intention and Manifesting the Energies – Forgiving – the Effect of the Duality – Removing of Intentions which no Longer Serve You, Melek Metatron: Set a New Intention – Manifesting

04 KF

Kryon, Angel Michael, Melek Metatron: Welcome Channeling:

Kryon: The Changes during the Festival, Angel Michael: Cleansing of Your Centers, Melek Metatron: Grounding at all Levels

Anjel Chamuel: Ľudská láska – rozpustenie minulých bolestí

Saint Germain: Letting Go of Worries and Problems

Maris: Your Treasure Chest of Abilities – Great Lights in Middle Earth – The Work of the Arcturians – Crystals for Lady Gaia

Jesus Christ, Melek Metatron: The Lord`s Prayer of the New Age

Maris: Free will, balance, intention and Ufos (časť)

Melek Metatron: Initiation of the Eranus- and Luinachakras

Sangitar: Epilog


Jesus: The High Vibrations on Earth – Purification and Charging of Energy Aspects in the Ferania Springs – Open the Door of Your Heart and Live Joy on Earth


Kryon: Connection of the Planetary Heart Energy to the Starseed – A Loving Heart Can Never Really Be Injured


Kryon: Transmission of Magnetic Love Energy – Pay Attention to the Signs of the Times and Burst the Fetters – Change Requires Courage – Keep Your Focus on the Solution, not on the Problems – Purification of the Inner Eye


Lady Nada: Dovoľ si žiť v radosti a láske


Kryon: The Year 2007 – Lady Gaia’s Purifications – Stabilization of Your Grid

09 KF

Kryon: Welcome Channeling

Melek Metatron: Journey to the Ferania Springs

Maris: Abundance, Strength and Intention: Put Your Evaluations Aside – The Laws on Your Planet – Charging a Coin with Magnetism – How Do You Show Your Intention? – In the Moment of Doubt Especially Go into the Intention

Lumina: Lumina and the Golden Light: The Lumina Energy – The Meaning of Blessings and Initiations – Expansion and Activation of Your Healing Channels – Initiation by Jesus, the Christ

Melek Metatron: Lemuria a Lucifer – Ako začala hra duality a ako končí

Sangitar: Epilog


Angel Chamuel: The Meaning of the Different Frequencies – The Meaning and Origin of the Drops of Blessing

Melek Metatron: Zrušenie prísah a sľubov z Avalonu


Sabine Sangitar: The Love Beads of the Angels

Jesus: The Energy of the Angels of Peace


Kryon: The Magnetic Field – The Meaning of Balance between Giving and Taking – Take Time for Inner Retreat



Melek Metatron: Journey to Shambala with a few Aspects – Journey to the Temple of Your Soul – Blessing of Your Hopes and Wishes for the Year 2008


Kryon: Nechaj odísť staré štruktúry  (EL’GOTSHA), Postavenie stĺpu svetla 

Melek Metatron: You Are Free


Melek Metatron: Transmission of Redemption Energy, Maha Cohan: The Energy of Dissociation


Kryon: Rodina zlatomodrého svela

04 IKC

Kryon: The Different Frequencies – One Step of Awakening – The Redemption Energy

04 KF

Melek Metatron: Welcome Channeling

Jesus: Initiation of the Third Eye

Melek Metatron: Transformácia energie Lucifera a sieť lásky

Maris: The Ascension and the Year 2012 – Human Love – The Arcturians – Ritual for the Fulfilment of Hopes, Longings and Wishes

Kuthumi: O zvieratách a rastlinách

Sangitar: Epilog


Maris: The Ascension – Spirituality – Doubt and Decision – Intention – Life after the Ascension


Kryon: Light Body Symptoms – The Changes at the Current Time – You Are here in Order to Realize Who You Are


Shakti: Ženská energia – Skutočný pocit


Kryon: Čas utrpenia sa skončil


Kryon: Drops of Blessing – Your Power – Activation of a Power Center – You Are the Best on Earth

09 KF

Eschka: Nutrition of the New Age

Maris: Tvoje poslanie

Jesus: Redemption Drops

Merlin: Manifesting – Wake Up Call for the Magicians

Ashtar Sheran: Journey with the Merkabah

Jesus: Walk In

Sangitar and others: Epilog


Kryon: The Miracle in You – Current Changes on Earth – The Children


Sheldrak: Stretnutie so zlatým anjelom



Kryon: The Changes in 2009, Divine Love: You Are the Golden Angel


Maris: Dôsledky aktivácie tretej úrovne svetelného tela – Veľkoleposť


Kryon: Vystúp z kolektívu


Melek Metatron: The Golden Angel in You, Kryon: Changes – Detach Yourself from the Collective

04 IKC

Kryon: The Magnetic master – The Greater Truth


Ashtar Sheran: Dôsledky aktivácie tretej úrovne svetelného tela

05 KF

Kryon, Melek Metatron: Welcome channeling

Angel Chamuel: The Grid of Love

Lady Nada: Otvorenie dverí na srdci, Jesus: Staré bolesti sú vyliečené

Maris: Raising of the Earth Energies, Relationships in the Universe

Master Lao Tse: Quiet and Inner Peace

Sheldrak: Secret Revalations

Jesus: Initiation for Walk-In

Sangitar: Epilog


Kryon: Symptómy svetelného tela – Aktivácia tretej úrovne svetelného tela


Melek Metatron: Balls of Light – Drops of Blessing for the New Seminar Room, Kryon: Magnetic Energy of the New Age Pours In


Sabine Sangitar: Your Aspects and the Journey

Kryon: The Journey with Your Aspects


Lady Nada: The Garden of Love – A Journey, Kryon: The Festival of Love


Kryon: Stabilization of the First Aspect – Energy Transmission of Crystal

10 KF

Kryon: Welcome Channeling

Sherin: Journey to the Divine Reality and the Ashtar Ship

  • O aspektoch

Sheldrak: The Age of the Heralds Lentos – How Spiritual Doubt Came into Being

Seth: The Duality and the Free Will – Initation into the Prosonodo Light

Noah and Lumina: Healing Transmission

Maris: Energy Transmission for Lady Gaia

Jesus: Initiation for the Walk-In – Shiva

Melek Metatron: Closing channeling


Kryon: Naladenie merkaby na dych boží


Kryon: Review of the Year 2009 – Energy Transmission for Lady Gaia



Kryon: Look Ahead to the Year 2010 – Energy Transmission and Drops of Blessing


Kryon: Balance of the Light Body and the Soul Energy, Melek Metatron: The Prosonodo Light and Its Effects


Kryon: A Journey to Venus – Energy Transmission for Lady Gaia


Melek Metatron: Drops of Blessing from the Divine Source, Merlin: Energy Transmission from Merlin – The Omnipotence Aspect (Prepojenie s aspektom schopností a duše)

04 KF

Kryon: Welcome Channeling

Sanat Kumara: Božia všemohúcnosť

Kryon: Energy Transmission into Nine Aspects

Jesus: Baptism of Love

Maris: Changes of Lady Gaia’s Consciousness

Ma’Ha’Lias: Opening of Energetic Tracks (nadväzuje na Marisa)

Myriel: Zasvätenie do aspektu schopností

Divine Love: Initiation for the Walk-in


Ma’Ha’Lias: Fyzický aspekt a aspekt duše 


Kryon: Ďalšia úroveň vedomia


Ganesha: Rozpustenie prekážok a odporu


El Morya: Ohraničenie

Lady Faith: Initiation of the Ability Aspect


Kryon: Transmission of the Energies of Peace, Joy, Security and Calmness – Pouring Out of God’s Breath, Melek Metatron: The Veils Are Getting Thinner


Jesus: Jesus Christ Brings his High Self Shan’Shija to the Human Beings, Shan’Shija: Transmission of the Eleua Energy +


Shan’Shija: Yearning – The Eleua Energy, Toth: Working in the Aspects +

11 KF

Seth: Aktivácia nášho svetla pomocou lemurijského kryštálu Amba’Rees

Kryon: Zapálenie lemurijského ohňa lásky

Ma’Ha’Lias: Working with Your Aspects – nine of your aspects are connected with your soul

Jesus and Shan’Shija: The Angel Group Eleua Is Welcomed

Hiam’Destranos: Aktivácia lemurijských strážcov

Angel Michael: Cleansing and Removal of Crystalline Structures

Jesus Christus: Initiation Into the Lemurian Love Fire


Lumina: The Energy of Grace, the Angels of Grace and the Fulfilment of Wishes +



Kryon: The Energy of the Loving Might – Judgments – The Feeling of Sadness – Changes and New Beginning +


Ma’Ha’Lias: Speaks About the Change of Times – Unhelpful Patterns Are Removed and Magnetic Love Energy Is Transmitted, Jesus: Support the Human Beings Who Fight for Their Freedom in Love + +


Ashtar Sheran: Transmission of the Balancing Energy as well as the Radiance of Peace, Moses: I Will Bring You into the Power + + +


Sherin: Transmission of Love Energy and Dissolving of Unhelpful Patterns +

04 KF

Norina: Cesta na Landras

Sherin: Journey to Venus

Jesus: Landras – Journey into the Pearl Field of God

Lady Amethyst: Deti nového veku​

Mother Mary: Freeing from Structures


Melek Metatron: Transmission of Drops of Blessing, Angel Chamuel, Lady Nada, Seraphis Bey, Jesus, Ashtar Sheran: Energy  + ​​


Jesus: O mene pôvodu, mene duše, kozmických rodičoch, vete života a božej pravde +


Ashtar Sheran: Journey to the Mother Ship – Initiation for Easier Travel, Kryon: The Clear Intention for the Golden Age  + +


Jesus: Dedičstvo kráľa Artuša a biele kňažstvo +


Angel Gabriel: Preparations for the Festival and Easing of Light Body Symptoms +

10 KF

Kryon: O vzostupe planét

Saint Germain: Freedom

Kryon: O rôznych frekvenciách

Lilly’Ana: Posolstvá od modrého národa prírodných duchov

Lady Faith: Initiation for the Third Eye

King Arthur: O odpustení a slobode – Odňatie inkarnačného cyklu

Shan’Shija: Eleua Energy Transmission


Kryon: Energy Transmission for Lady Gaia

Sangitar: Vzostup planéty Partoos


Anjel Chamuel: Perly lásky +



Jesus: SOL’A’VANA, Kryon: Changes of the Earth Energies + +


Jesus: Sadness and Yearning +


Kryon: Energy Transmission for Light Body Trembling – The Energetic Challenges +

04 KF

Ashtar Sheran: Biorhythm Adjustment

Jesus: Initiation into SOL’A’VANA

Master Lao Tse: The Year 2012

Pallas Athene: Your Inner Child

Nathaniel: Energia liečenia a ozdravovania


Noharees: Cesta na Eris – Kúpanie vo Svätom grále +


Lumina: Transmission of the Grace Energy of DON’ADAS +


Jesus: The Holy Grail of Stonehenge Is Kindled +


Kryon: The Significance of a Melek Metatron Walk-in, Melek Metatron: Journey to Your 19th Aspect +

09 KF

Melek Metatron: Prepojenie energií z rôznych časových epoch

Kryon: Harmonická konvergencia

Nie’A’Tieh: Dragon and Unicorn Energies

Shiva: Transformation of Energies

Lady Nada and Jesus Christ: The Significance of Prayer – The Walk-in and the 19th Aspect


Adamea: Creation of a Magnetic Field in You, Jesus: Opening of the Calyx of Miracles, Kryon: Energetic Changes on Mother Earth + +


Shiva: The Energy of the Old Gods – Erect Pillars of Light on Earth, Kryon: Consequences of the Transformation Processes – Support for Lady Gaia + +


Maris: About the Work of the Arcturians on Earth, Jesus: Transmission of the Energy of Jesus +



Kryon: The Date 21.12.2012  + 

Jesus: Všetko, čo robíš, robíš za mňa   


Lady Nada: The energy Shadees +

Melek Metatron: The Consequences of the Nuclear Test – Erection of Light Pillars in Israel – Erect Light Pillars in Israel and Africa


Maris: Current Events (SHADEES) – The Ties of Friendship with the Arcturians

04 KF

Toth: The Significance of the Crystal Places / Handing over the Crystal SHADEES

Kryon: Information about the Change of Ages

Kryon: Journey to AN’ARINA

Jesus: Kindling the Holy Grail of Devotion

Angelika Lea: Tvorivá sila nebeskej radosti

Mother Mary: Kindling the Holy Grail of Healing / Words of Love for Lady Gaia

Mother Mary: My Walk-In – Closing channeling


Noris: Journey to Partoos, into the Grid of Grace – The Countermovement


Kryon: The Big Transformation (Shadees, Water element transformation) 


Buddha: A Parable +


Jesus: Connection of the Lights of the Heart, Heiko El’Shara: Earth Meditation +

09 KF

Budha: Welcome channeling

Kryon: Expanding the Spiritual Wheel

Anjel lásky: Oslobodenie od štruktúr bolesti, smútku a starostí 

Maha Cohan: Ochranný štít ohraničenia

Anjel Gabriel: O symptómoch svetelného tela a uzemnení na všetkých úrovniach

Baheaa: Journey to Planets

Matka Mária a Ježiš: Oslobodenie od prichytených vzorov

Bluestar: Healing the Inner Child

Jesus: Kindling the Holy Grail of Blessing


Maris: Changes – Energy Transmission for Lady Gaia


Kryon: Current Events (Shadees) +


Jesus: Energies for Your Soul